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Jobrequest dated from 08/01/2024

Open for positions as Game Developer/Programmer (Unity, Godot)

Jakob Feldmann


Wirtschaftsinformatik Bachelor

Jakob_Feldmann_CV.pd ...


Hello, I am Jakob,
as a passionate game developer I am looking to work with a team, realizing great visions for games and learning a lot. Working on games motivates me to constantly improve my programming skills and my goal is to turn creative ideas into compelling interactive experiences. I love video games in almost all forms and want to be involved in this medium.
I am an industry beginner, but have professional experience in software development and personal experience in game development.

I have a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems & Economics, worked as a C# developer for some time and developed software for industrial clients (see resume). At the same time I started to develop my own games with the Godot Engine. You can see my game projects on my portfolio website: I have been working with Godot for more than a year and since last November I have been working with Unity.
My focus has often been on physics-based interactions, be it fine-tuned character controls and spring simulations in Blobby (2D platformer in Godot) or dynamically changing gravity in Space Smash Out (current project in Unity3D).  
However, I'm also eager to implement other systems, such as enemy AI, puzzle logic, dynamic cameras, multiplayer, UI, menus and more.

I would be happy to hear from you.
Kind regards  

Jakob Feldman



Berlin, Remote, Umzug evtl.


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